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Dodgeball Rookie-Stars Program


Dodgeball Rookie-Stars Program is an interest class designed by the Hong Kong Dodgeball Association for children of 7-13 years old. The classes are located among districts which are held on Weekends in the morning or afternoon. The purpose of the program is to get children exposed to dodgeball in a relax and playful manner. through communicating and cooperating with other children at a young age, we aim to nuture them into developing a healthy set of social skills. Moreover, we hope that they would develop an interest in dodgeball and a habit of engaging in sports.

Latest Classes

4月 - 閃避球新星恆常訓練班 (A4).png
4月 - 閃避球新星恆常訓練班 (A4) (2).png

Application Details and Method

  1. Participants must first apply the membership and become a junior member of the association(New Member︰$80/Year) (Renewal︰$50/Year)

  2. Those who are interested can fill in the application form via the link below. If you have applied for the membership but have yet to receive the memebership number, please write 'applied' for application.

  3. For participants who are applying for the first time, please fill in all necessary information in the application form and confirm your application through WhatsApp 5342 2559 to acquire details about the payment.

  4. After that, those who wish to continue joining the program will only have to type in the membership mumber in the online application form and pay to presume classes.

Leave and Make-up Lessons


  1. Only application of 3 days before or more will be accepted (except sick leave). The time is counted by the time the application is received.

  2. Please apply or inquire as soon as possible if necessary leave is recognised.

  3. ​Reasons other than the ones below shall not be accepted (for any inquiry please contact us)︰

    1. Sick Leave︰Dcotor certificate with participant's name is needed;

    2. School Events︰Slip regarding the school event should be provided;

    3. Travel︰travelling prove should be provided;and

    4. Funeral︰Needless of prove。

Make-up Class

  1. Only one leave is allowed for each month, and the make-up lesson should be made within three weeks, once the limit has passed it will be taken as forfeiting the lesson.

  2. No change regarding the applied leave and make-up lesson will be allowed, absence of the make-up lesson under any circumstances will be taken as forfeiting the lesson.

  3. Only make up lessons of the same type will be provided (different time and venue is also applicable),absence of the make-up lesson under any circumstances will be taken as forfeiting the lesson。

  4. Make-up lessons will be provided in cases of extreme weather conditions or emergencies, absence of the make-up lesson under any circumstances will be taken as forfeiting the lesson

  5. As the time and venue of lessons are subject to change, please refer to the lesson details beforehand.


WhatsApp : +852 5342 2559 (Hong Kong Dodgeball Association)

Email Address :

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