Dodgeball Player Foundation Program
The "Dodgeball Player Foundation Program" is funded by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and organized by the Hong Kong Dodgeball Association. Dodgeball classes for 13 to 18 year olds. The workshops are located in Sha Tin, Yau Tsim Mong and Kwai Tsing districts, and are held on Monday 1700-1900, Wednesday 1600-1800 and Sunday 1000-1200 respectively.
The purpose of the plan isIncrease young people's understanding of dodgeball and cultivate a new generation of potential dodgeball players.Course content: Teaching the skills and rules of dodge ball sports for young people, a total of 8 2-hour classes.
Registration information and method
Submit the "Application Form" by mail or in person to our address: Room 04, 15th Floor, Block B, Kaili Industrial Building, 12 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan,
Please mark "Dodgeball Player Foundation Program" on the envelope,
Checks should be made payable to "Hong Kong Dodgeball Association Ltd" [Please fill in the participant's name, team number and contact number on the back of the cheque] [We will not be responsible for any postal errors. 】
If you need to transfer money online, please inquire about the method with this association after registration.
Leave and Make-up Lessons
Only application of 3 days before or more will be accepted (except sick leave). The time is counted by the time the application is received.
Please apply or inquire as soon as possible if necessary leave is recognised.
Reasons other than the ones below shall not be accepted (for any inquiry please contact us)︰
Sick Leave︰Dcotor certificate with participant's name is needed;
School Events︰Slip regarding the school event should be provided;
Travel︰travelling prove should be provided;and
Funeral︰Needless of prove。
WhatsApp : +852 5342 2559 (Hong Kong Dodgeball Association)
Email Address : info@hkdodgeball.com